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I am an Indonesian Citizen and just received my new Indonesian Passport. Where do I sign it?Updated 3 years ago

This latest version of Republic of Indonesia passport was first announced on 30 October 2014. The visible revisions include:

  1. Cover color: Prior to 30 October 2014, ordinary Indonesian passports were issued with a dark green cover while the latest (Biometric)one is turquoise green (hijau toska).
  2. Coat of arms: The coat of arms is now centered and significantly larger than older editions
  3. Translation (cover only): Only 'passport' appears bilingually (Indonesian above and English below) while the phrase 'Republik Indonesia' is not translated to 'Republic of Indonesia'.
  4. Bearer's signature: The latest version needs to have the  bearer's signature on page 48 in designated area. (Previous versions contained the bearer's signature on page 3.)

The front cover ⬇of the Indonesian biometric passport and signature page ⬇



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